I would of had a hair post up today, but because of the dreadful chicken pox that wont be happening :) Next week, next week!
Today I thought I would talk about nails! Yup, you got that.... I am talking about those things at the end of you finger!
I have just started painting my nails.. never use to paint them because I thought it was too hard, but with a bit of practise I have got it down pretty well if I do say my self ;)
So now I am just buying up all the nail polish in the world. (I wish)
I thought I would list a few of my favorites for you so you can try them out :)
This is a perfect fall/winter color.. It is one of my favorites and I have been wearing it a lot!
I LOVE this color! I wear it all the time and it is awesome!
This one is my favorite by far! I wear it all the time, and it is perfect :)
What is your favorite color nail polish color?? Now I need to get some pastel spring colors!
Have a great Saturday,