It seems like half of the time when you tell people, "I have horses". They say "Oh wow sounds like fun".
And I think... FUN?!??
Where the heck have you been? Have you been watching too much of My Friend Flicka or something?
Because Yes there is some fun.. but there is also a lot of work. Unless you are a rich snob who just goes to the barn and rides and never lifts a finger and never touches any manure.
You get my picture?
Here is a picture I took one early freezing morning.
Beautiful, peaceful, COLD!
OK so here I am sounding like a complaining b*tch. Why do I have seven horses then you might ask?
The answer is simple..
I have been lovestruck!! I am IN LOVE!
and they are TOTALLY worth all the hard work, the manure, the pee, the hay, the dirt, EVERYTHING!
I wouldn't change it any other way.
Some mornings I don't really want to go out in the cold/heat. Then get greeted by them and all my complaining thoughts disappear!
Horses are best friends, they are great to talk to because they cant tell anyone your deepest secrets.
My horse Faith knows all my hidden secrets, she has heard all of complaints, and has been there whenever I needed to shed a tear.
So if you have ever wondered why?? Now you know. I am love struck.
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