Samantha, from Heart Shaped Leaves has just awarded Still Simple with the Liebster Blog award.
The Liebster Blog award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers, nominated and by fellow bloggers.
1. Post about your WIN on your Blog.
2. Link back to the Blogger who nominated YOU; then, FOLLOW them back.
3. Copy and paste the Blog award button on your Blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 11 Blogs that have fewer than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized and awarded.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their Blog.
6. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
7. Answer 11 questions your tagger has asked you and ask 11 question to the people you've tagged.
8. You are not allowed to tag back to the Blogger who chose you.
Here we GO!!
Elleven Random Facts About Me
1. I LOVE the smell of freshly mown grass
2. I was born in Australia
3. I can speak Italian and lived there for some of my life
4. I own 7 horses and love every one of them
5. I am the oldest of 6 kids
6. I drool when I sleep sometimes and I have crazy dreams
7. I once jumped from a high rock into shallow water and I will never do it again
8. Even though I do daring things, the thought of a roller coaster scares me
9. I would rather eat savory foods over sweet foods
10. My ears are not pierced
11. I am Homeschooled
My 11 questions to answer: (You can answer these questions too!)
1. What kind of People are attracted to Your Blog?
Well since I just started I really dont know, but so far everyone that has followed me has been nice moms or ladies who have great blogs!
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
This is going to sound silly, but I want to live anywhere there are friendly people, farmer's markets and my family
3. Is blogging more of a Job or a Hobby?
So far it is a hobby and I think it will stay that way, but I would LOVE it if it was a job :)
4. What is one thing about yourself you would love to change?
Being a bit controlling and proud :)
5. If you are a Mom, how often do you enjoy alone time?
I am not a mom but I am the oldest sister of six kids, so I get alone time at night after my siblings have gone to bed
6. If it was going to be made public, which would you tell: Your age, your weight or your income?
I wouldnt care
7. What personality trait bugs you the most?
People who think they can rull your life
8. Favorite Restaurant?
Ummm... an Indian resturant in Winstone Salem
9. What are you best known for?
Probably for being kinda stuborn, talking a lot, and a hard worker (not my words, but my moms)
10. Finish this sentence: My Favorite networking site is?
I duno :)
11. Pet names from strangers (sweetie, honey, etc.) Love it or Hate it?
They are ok. I live in the South and you really cant avoid it so you learn to like it :)
Here is who I Nominate!!
Bee Fruitful Farm
Berries And Graphite
These Threads of Mine
Live Your Life
The Peanut Gallery
You Will Rejoice
Letters To Rome
Sam's Thoughz
Simple Enchantments (And Otherwise)
Where Am I?
Barely Measured
Have Fun!!
Do you remember anything about Australia? and how neat that you also lived in Italy. Was it one of your parent's jobs that brought you to those places?
ReplyDeleteI remeber very little about Australia because I left when I was 3, I did go back when I was 7 and I only remeber very little, I hope one day to go back there.
DeleteMy parents moved here because of a christian school in NC. MY mom actually originally came from Italy and my dad from Holand :)