The Lovely Brooke from
Wide Open Spaces just nominated me for the Liebster Award!! Brook is an amazing person, she always leaves the sweetest comments that make me feel Oh So Amazing! Thank You Brook for nominating me... Everyone be sure to check out her blog!
The Liebster Blog Award is an award that is given by the blogging community to new up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. It is a fabulous way to increase your number of readers and allow bloggers to meet new and interesting bloggers.
**Here are the details**
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
**Random Facts About Me**
1. I was born in Tasmania, Australia and moved to the USA when I was Three... I sadly dont have an Australian accent :)
2. I am happiest while riding on a horse, cooking makes me smile, and sewing makes me enjoy life even more!
3. I have never dyed my hair... and I probably wont till I go grey.
4. I have a love/hate relationship with shopping.
5. I can talk a lot.
6. I have "processed" a bunch of chickens in my life and I am not vegetarian... yet
7. I am a very caring person and it hurts me when someone I know is hurting
8. I am CRAZY about cheese.. my dad was born in Holland and I guess some of his dutch genes rubbed off :)
9. I can be brave... but there are just some things I wont do: skydiving and go on roller coasters
10. I cant write cursive... I was taught but always hated it
11. I am more of a fan of savory foods over sweet ones... but I always can eat dessert :)
**My answers to Brook's questions**
1. Where did you grow up? All over the place.. till I was 9 my family traveled. I was born in Australia.
2. How would you describe yourself in one sentence? I am happy, caring, creative, and very strong willed.
3. Do you believe in happily ever afters? umm.. not the kind in the movies. I believe happiness is what you make of it!
4. Do you like your job? I dont really have a job... running a home business like I plan on in the spring is AWESOME!
5. What is your favorite recipe? That is a hard one.... Probably Lasagna.
6. What would be your #1 tip for bloggers? Be yourself... dont try fake it!
7. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? The way I stress about things I am unsure of.
8. Why do you blog? Because it allows me to meet new people and express myself.
9. What are you most afraid of? Snakes.
10. What's one thing most people don't know about you? My second toe is longer than my first toe.. and I have a size 10 shoe.
11. Favorite makeup item? Mascara! If I put on one thing in the morning... it is Mascara!
**Tagged Blog Picks Questions**
1. Do you like rainy days or sunny?
2. Have you ever dyed your hair?
3. Favorite Food?
4. Cats or Dogs?
5. Dark or Bright Colors?
6. Where were you born?
7. Favorite Makeup Item?
8. One thing you have done in your life that you are REALLY proud of?
9. Favorite Drink?
10. Do you like chocolate?
11. Flats or Heals?
**My Blog Picks**
Kelly @
Casual Friday
Kristyn @
Chits and Giggles
Mo @
Fleur De Moi
Samantha @
Heart Shaped Leaves
Rachel @
Her Threaded Needle
Kati @
Incorporating Color
Carlee @
Life Smith
Taylor @
Mandi and Me
Becca @
Making Room
Julie @
Wrongway Peachfuzz
Jen @
Thank you
Brooke for Nominating me.. You are SO awesome!!