Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My family is the Cutest!

OK, I may be a bit bias .... but we just got our family photos back from Nicole and I am over the moon with happiness :)

Here are some of my favorites:









We had a grand time! We are going to have more done with our horses in spring.. so stay tuned!

What are you doing today? I am going to enjoy a long ride with a good friend :)

Have a great day,
xo Beatrice

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Because We ALL forget!!

Hey Yall,

Dont forget about the great giveaway going on right now till December 1st for the Natural Mascara!!

Have a grand week!! and enter away :)
xo, Beatrice

On Rainy days like These...


Pit er Patter... How I love the sound of rain falling quietly on the rooftops.

Lots of school gets finished. Knitting or sewing is pulled out.

Hot tea and tasty treats. Fuzzy blankets and soft socks.

Mid afternoon naps, Evening Cuddles.

Silly movies, and funny Games, maybe even a puzzle or two!

Just some of the things I enjoy while it rains... like today!

What do you like to do when it rains??

xo Beatrice

Monday, November 26, 2012

I have started to Shred... New Adittion: Be Healthy Monday

So I thought I would start your Mondays off with a little Be Healthy Monday every week!

For my birthday my siblings felt the need for me to tone my body up a bit, so they bought me....

Wait for it...

And some dumbbells.

Arnt they nice :)

No really I actually asked for it. I have check out Jillian's workouts and I liked the way she did the 30 day shred.

The time is perfect for me and the work outs kill me.

I am not really looking to lose weight, just to tone up a little.

Yesterday was my first day I almost died...

Here is what I am going to do.

- Eat healthier

- Drink Water

- Ride my horses (hey you don't know how many of your leg muscles you use riding)

- Drink smoothies for Breakfast

- Oh and do the 30 day shred every day except for Saturday.

I am not weighing my self, I am not taking pictures, I am not even measuring my self.

I am just going to tell Yall how I am doing every week and give you some tips, recipes, and tricks that help me eat and exercises.

You wanna join me?? Lets eat healthy till Christmas!

Have a great week,
xo Beatrice

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sponsor Me for December!!!


Can you believe it is that time again?? Crazy!!

I hope you all had the grandest Thanksgiving!! Our Thanksgiving was amazing as always :)

So if you want to sponsor me....

Head on over to my "sponsor" page or email me at to find out how :)

Have a great Saturday,

xo Beatrice

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for me?? Oh and Turkey Day!!

The most unflattering picture of myself.. just for you!

Its the day I have been waiting for!!! The year where two of my favorite things meet!!

OH I cant hold it in any longer... I am literally gasping for breath to get this out!



Let us all celebrate!

Today is one of my favorite days.. You eat, you get food coma.. you eat some more.. wonder why you ate so much... and eat again!!

There is food, family, fun, oh did I mention food??

My mom and I have been cooking for two days!!

Making food for a family our size calls for lots of cooking.. and butter :)

My taste buds are tingling with anticipation for all that food I prepared!

Oh and did I mention I am officially seventeen??

This day is great!

When you are giving thanks.. just be thankful for me too :)

Happy Thanksgiving,
xo Beatrice

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Meet Myra from HerbanLuxe

Myra has a great shop!! Yall should check her stuff out :) I found her on Etsy and she was kind enough to sponsor this here blog by hosting a giveaway!!
Enter the giveaway here!!

Wanna know more about Myra and her shop?? Read the following...


About Myra and HerbanLuxe

Myra is mom to three barmy girls - Jean-A'Layn, Stephanie and Isabela.  By day, she  works from her home as a Corporate Instructional Designer; but here alther-ego is very much a mad scientist.
When Myra was about 11, her abuela began teaching her how to work with herbs for healing purposes. Her abuela also taught her how to make makeup using natural ingredients such as herbs, natural clays and more.  When her abuela's parkinson made it difficult for her to hold a cup in her hands, Myra became her abuela's hands mixing and making concoctions.
About 10 years ago her craft became a business.  In 2007, I had the unique privilege of appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show as a finalist in her search for the next big idea. In 2009, she sold her business AND NOW she caters to  her favorite group of people, savvy Etsy shoppers who appreciate all the goes into making anything handmade.

Here are some questions I asked Myra....

What is your favorite fall/winter drink? 
My fall/winter drink is - Coquito.  I'm from Puerto Rico and Coquito is the equivalent to eggnog in the US {minus the egg and the nog}.  It's a concoction of  coconut milk, cream of coconut, evaporated milk, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, vanilla and lots and lots of Puerto Rican Rum.

Coffee or Tea?
Both - coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon

Favorite Quote?
I'm a Dr. Seuss fanatic and actually have more than one favorite quotes, but my top two are:

"Why fit it when you were born to stand out?"  and
"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way"

Here are some of the places you can find Myra:


Facebook Fan Page:



I am SO glad to have Myra sponsor my blog, she is a great lady and has a great shop!!

Thanks Myra!

Today I am cooking my butt of for Thanksgiving... so I will leave you with this.

Have a Great day,

xo Beatrice

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life without Color???...

Can you even wonder what life would be like if there was NO color... all just like a blank slate.

White?? Maybe gray?? but definitely NOT colorful!!
I think we would die.. or would we actually know any different??

Would we ever be happy?

There definitely wouldn't be any cameras, fun kids parties.. celebrations, laughter.

If I think about it too much.. I just realize how blessed we are to live with color.

It changes with the seasons... we can cause something to change colors with pencils, or pens.. or Photoshop..

I am SO glad and Blessed to be surrounded by colorful people, nature, family.....


What are you thankful for?

xo Beatrice

Monday, November 19, 2012

Its Monday, Monday.... oh and Hinting about birthdays :)


Ok the above  ^ .. is kinda true :)

Even though I have to do school.. I am still pretty stoked it is Monday!!


ONLY THREE more days till I turn Seventeen!!

OK that is all :)


Now on a more serious note:

Did you hint that it was your birthday when you were a child??

This my last year technically being a "Child", "Minor" whatever you want to call it... So I think that leaves me a little slack to be Hinting to yall that THURSDAY is my birthday :)

Yup.. November 22nd....

and I will be.. you guessed it...


So don't forget :)

jjk.. I really actually don't care... but something would make me happy!

go enter THIS giveaway going on and enter!! that would make my day even better!

Have the grandest Monday ever.

Happy About Thanksgiving?? What are you doing for Thanksgiving??

xo, Beatrice

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Days.. Life.. I am a busy Girl


I took this last Sunday while riding my horse.. I have talent :)

OK so I skipped posting Friday and Saturday.. give me a break I am a busy girl :)

This week has been one of the BEST weeks ever! I mean every week is good.. but this week was especially AMAZING!

Why?? Why?? You might ask??

well.. umm.. It was my last week being Sixteen and I got to see all of my favorite people that live around here.

Sunday I rode my horse :)

Monday was writing class, and I got to see some of my friends

Tuesday I rode with a good friend

Wednesday I sewed and watched movies with a good friend

Thursday I did school and danced in my PJ'S

Friday I rode my lovely horse and that always makes life better :)

Saturday I saw my good friend and made killer chocolate Ice Cream!

Sounds like a fun week??

It was!!

And today i am going to clean a little, plan a little for Thursday (thanksgiving and my birthday) and ride, oh and maybe see a good friend :)

Have the grandest week ever!

Plan on eating lots on Thursday...

xo, Beatrice

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In case you Wondered....

In case you wondered what my quilt that I made in September looked like.. here are some pictures!!


Note: the quilt is soo big I could get the full length.. I hope I captured enough of it's detail




here is one of the pictures from the quilt show... it shows the whole quilt :)


How is your Thursday?? I spent yesterday evening with one of my good friends. We laughed, quilted and watched movies :)

I am working on a bunch of other quilts and will hopefully have pictures soon!!

Have a great rest of the week,

xo Beatrice

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Friend....

Yup you got that right!! I have a new friend :)

I met Katherine at my writing class at the begining of August, we said Hi a couple times but that was about it :)

Just recently I started talking to her more and realize that she LOVES horses as much as I do!!

So today we met at the barn and rode together.... And we had a blast!!

After we left the barn we instagramed the entire evening :)

Lets just say I am super happy!!

I will be back tomorrow with a funny post about riding... Today I am going to enjoy sewing with another one of my friends :)

Have you met anyone special these past few weeks?? If so who??

Have a great week!!

 xo Beatrice

p.s. Day 14 of #NaBloPoMo!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Writing Class, Small Guns, Chocolate and a Ferrier??

The above sums up my Yesterday...

Well almost :)

The morning of Monday the 12th of November 2012 started off early... a little too early!

The ferrier graced us with his presence. He was well over due to come and give our horses their  bimonthly pedicures. As he stood filing away at their large nails, he listened to Glen Beck, we listened along.

Let me tell yall, Interesting stuff!

After the formalities had finished, the horses gave us a big "thank you" and galloped off leaving me to eat the dust.

I arrived home just in time to remember that I had an appointment... hmmm. What could it be??

Oh yes, that’s right. WRITING CLASS!!

*insert cheers*

I actually enjoy writing class most of the time, but my mind was still a little fogged from the lack of  sleep the night before.

I enter writing class ten minutes early! Happy that I can talk with some of my friends before class begins.

Everyone has settled down the teachers begins to talk to us about what she is going to teach... when all of a sudden....

A loud bang goes off!

I think, ' what could that be??'....

In horror to find out that it was my brother's cap gun!!

Let’s just say I was a bit embarrassed :)

After class I make my way back home, did some dishes and drowned my foggy mind in CHOCOLATE!

oh chocolate how I love thee! You make my chocolate thirsty body happy!

I then made dinner and sat down and wrote this post

Doesn’t my life sound fun??!! I think so.

How was your Monday?

Have a great rest of the week,

xo Beatrice

p.s. Day 12 of #NaBloPoMo!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bathroom Cleaner?? Not Me!!

Growing up in a family of 8 everyone HAS to pull their weight!!

That means everyone has a job and that's, that. Now I think this is totally fair, if it wasn't for this system my mom would be so worn out every day we wouldn't see her.

One of the jobs that I have to do is clean the Bathroom!! You know the place.. Everyone has one.

and SOMEBODY has to clean them!

and that someone just has to be me. Ever since I was twelve I have been cleaning our bathroom.

Not just once a week.... no.. Every Other Day!

Fun?? I know.

So that means in the five years I have been cleaning the bathroom I have cleaned it...

OVER 1,000 times!!

Lets just say that is a lot of cleaner :)

Just recently my mom thought up this great idea (she always has the greatest ideas)...

Teach my brothers to clean the bathroom too! Because she realizes that I work too hard  it would be great for them to learn :)

So now I only clean the bathroom once a week!!

Thanks Mom,

That's Better :)

Do you enjoy cleaning the bathroom??

Have the grandest Monday,

xo Beatrice

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Giveaway just for you!!!!

I have the lovely Myra from Herban Luxe sponsoring me for November and she has kindly offered to host a giveaway!!

Herban Luxe makes all of their products with natural ingredients, so you don't have to worry about your skin!

OK lets get to the point.....

Wanna know what you can win??

1 Cake Baby Mascara with 2 spoolies, lid shield


An HerbanLuxe pocket mirror

This is some good stuff! This could make a great Christmas present or you can keep it for yourself :)
Ok... here are the ways you can win.

- you must be a follower of Still Simple
Other ways you can win!
- add Herban Luxe to your favorite on Etsy
- Like Herban Luxe on Facebook
- follow Herban Luxe on Twitter
- tweet about this giveaway!! mention @beateaco
here is one you can copy... want to win some mascara?? check out this great giveaway from @beateaco!!
- like Still Simple on Facebook
there you go I have just given you SIX ways to win!!
This giveaway ends December 1st so you have plenty of time... don't forget :)
have a great week!
xo, Beatrice

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's the Little Things. Vol 2

It's the Little Things!!

This week here are just a few things that made my week extra special :)


a handmade scarf that came in the mail from my friend in Maryland!


fun socks from my grandmother!


a letter from a friend!

What has made your life special this week??

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! I spent today just lazing around the house and later seeing a friend!


Hello Hue Little Things

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Dear Life,
You are awesome. Sometimes you are tough but right now you are perfect!!

Dear Clothes in the Mall,
Please don't scream at me to buy you!! I really want you all but there is only a certain amount I can spend.

Dear horses,
I love you with all my heart and I want to spend more time with you!! When I am done school tomorrow I will ride and brush you!!

Dear Family,
Thank you for putting up with me when get a little dramatic. I am trying :)

Dear Birthday,
I can't wait for you to be here!!

Have the greatest week,
xo Beatrice

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Watching: Sanford and Son, Jonny English Reborn, and Tin Tin. Since it has suddenly grown cold this past week we have been watching a couple more movies than normal. Monday night we enjoyed watching a movie with our friends :)

Listening to: For King and Country's new album Crave, Cold Play, U2, Mumford and Sons, and NeedtoBreathe. I listen to Pandora most of the time :)

Planning: A trip to Charlotte for my Birthday to get some Makeup!! I have recently been interest in wearing a little makeup but I want to stay as natural as possible! So we are going to visit the Bare Escentuals boutique in the mall :) Also I have been thinking about what I want to do for my birthday party!! Only 15 days away!

Thinking about: How amazing friends really are! Life would be so sad without them! I am thankful with every moment I get with all of my friends.

Looking forward to: Thursday!! There is an equine meeting at the local feed store and I am looking forward to it. Also the weekend, I just feel swamped with school so I cant wait till the week is over :)\

Reading: John Gatto's book "A different kind of teacher". I also started "Diet for a New America"  by John Robbins. Both great books :)

Making me happy: Hope this doesn't sound vain... My hair has been making me happy. It has been really curly and shinny lately and that makes me happy. Also I made a great gluten free Tortilla recipe and a great gluten free cookie recipe and that always makes me happy!

How has your week been??

Hey remember to check out my sponsors!!

have a great week,
xo beatrice

ps. linking up with danielle

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day in the Life of ME!! AKA: Horses... Waterbuckets.. Pancakes???


Wanna know what a Sunday looks like in the life of Beatrice??

Well if you don't.. who cares because I am going to tell you :)

7:00 AM : Normally I don't get up this early especially after a late night with friends, but thanks to daylight savings we were up early because of a certain toddler.

7:30 AM : I laid in bed and watched an episode of Sanford and Son on the ipad before gracing my family with my presence.

8:00 AM : I lay around on the couch under a bunch of blankets because I still really don't want to get up and because it is cold because the fire went out during the night.

8:30 AM : I eat waffles and read blogs.

9:00 AM : Shower!! Yes my hair is finally cleaned :)

9:30 AM : Room must be cleaned. Takes just a little while because of the clothes on the floor.

10:30 AM : I come downstairs to find out my dad shot a deer. So here goes the getting ready to process the deer plan!

11:30 AM : Finally I get to the horses. The horses are like "What the heck, you took too long because of a deer?? Who do you think we are?"

12:00 AM PM : I drive out to the pasture and feed a horse some grain. AND catch my horse Faith so I can ride.

12:45 PM : In the barn cleaning Faith and saddling up.

1:00 PM : Riding

1:30 PM Riding through a couple bucks. My horse likes to keep me awake!

2:30 PM : I make it back to the barn in one piece!! I mutter a few words under my breathe about the pain in my butt and go on. TIME to Unsaddle the horse!

3:00 PM : I get some last minute kisses/ slobber from my horse before I release her in the pasture.

3:15 PM : I sweep the barn because cleaning horses makes messes.

3:30 PM : Back home. Dad has finished deer and I am ready to relax.

3:45 PM : Blogger has distracted me. I must write a blog post. Nope I read blogs instead!

4:00 PM : I finally start blogging.

5:00 PM : I take a little break and play some guitar.

6:00 PM : Dinner. and Clean up.

6:45 PM : I sit down to blog, but instead get distracted by the new Red Dog trailer.

7:00 PM : I get pulled in to watching Tin, Tin with my family.

9:00 PM : It is over. Now I am going to bed.

9:15 PM : I browse through Instagram and now I am really off to bed.

9:30 PM : I write in my journal and lights out.

9:35 PM : I think to my self how early I am going to bed and blame it on Daylight savings. and sleep.

So there you have it! A day in the life. Doesn't that sound interesting.

*Note: This is not what happens everyday. My normal days are also filled with school, no movies, and no deer. :)

So you want to come see me still??

I guess this is the only way to ward of the people who were wondering about following me :)

Have a grand Tuesday! Vote away!

xo, Beatrice

Monday, November 5, 2012

Check Out Amy from You Will Rejoice


Amy from You Will Rejoice is totally the coolest! She is right now in the middle of redoing her house and she has the greatest shop ever! You should check her out :)

Hello! Thanks for having me :)  My name is Amy and I blog over at You Will Rejoice. I am a 23 year old English teacher by day, DIYer, blogger by night. I live in Ann Arbor, MI with my husband while he attends The University of Michigan (go blue!) for grad school. We recently bought a house in major need of repairs and have slowly been working to fix it up. We both love home improvement projects and really enjoy working on the house. I also run an etsy shop, One Stitch Away, with my mom, where we sell handmade recycled felted wool mittens, infinity scarves, and headbands. Starting and running the shop has been one of my personal biggest accomplishments and I love sewing and filling orders!

My favorite fall drink is definitely a salted caramel latte. But, normally I'm a coffee drinker. I probably drink 2-3 cups per day and it keeps me going.

My favorite quote is: "I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift."     --Shauna Niequist

Thanks for Sponsoring me Amy!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Khaya Vlog. vol 1

I thought it would be fun to ask my little sister Khaya some questions and see what she says....

Here is vol. 1. If you have any questions leave them in the comments below or email me and I will ask her me next week :)

Our Saturday consists of hanging around and going to our friends house!

Have a great Saturday,
 xo Beatrice

Friday, November 2, 2012

It's the Little Things - Fall Weather, Plaid, and Braid

It really is the little things! Life is complicated and you wonder what the heck am I doing? Then you walk outside and look around and you remember.


Plaid Shirt - I LOVE fall because I get to pull out my flannel plaid shirts!

Mums - These pretty flowers last just till the first frost, since it hasn't gotten below 32 degrees they are still around to remind me that life is good!

Red Leaves - Must I say more? They are just beautiful!

Messy Braid - My go to hair style lately...

I am linking up with Lindsay from Hello Hue today for her little things post!

Hello Hue Little Things
Have a great Weekend!
xo, Beatrice

Life is Crazy.. BUT... Check out those Sponsors!!

Hey Everyone!! Happy November!!

I am probably the happiest that it is November because in 20 days I am going to be SEVENTEEN!!!

Whoop, Whoop!

I am so happy to have two lovely ladies sponsor my blog this month! Check them out on the right sidebar and during the month you will get to read a little more about them :)

Yesterday was a crazy day! We had a great photo shoot with our horses, but before that I was chasing one horse in particular! As soon as I get the pictures I will be sure to show you them and tell you a little more about the behind the scenes :)

Have the Grandest Weekend,