Friday, August 31, 2012
I got this idea from Grace. Here it goes....
Dear Hair,
I am sorry I haven't gotten you trimmed, I really really want to grow you down to my waist and I haven't had the money to pay someone to cut you a bit.
Dear Horses,
I hope you dont mind the fact that I have been spending more time in your life. I want to keep you healthy and strong, so just bear with me.
Dear Knees,
Thank You for keeping up with me when I run more than a mile everyday while I train for the 5k race I will be entering in October.
Dear Sewing Machine,
Thank you for keeping up with all the sewing I have been doing. My quilt show is almost hear, then you will get a little break.
Dear Life,
Please become a bit more sweet. I have shed many tears lately and I would like to smile a little more.
Dear Summer,
Please dont end just yet!
Dear School,
Sorry for leaving you in the corner, you see I have better thing right now to do. Hope my mom understands :)
Dear Instagram,
you are my best friend.
Dear Friends that are Far Away,
I MISS you and hope to see you all soon!
Dear James Herriot,
I LOVE your writing. Thank you for writing great books.
Dear Bed,
I need to get with you more often and longer, my life is so hectic it feels like I only sleep on you very little.
Dear Back,
Keep getting better. The Chiropractor says you need a little more work and you will be good as new!
Dear Clothes,
I could use a little more of you in my life.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Dear Rednecks in North Carolina,
I live in the town of rednecks. I see them everyday when I go out, A couple live right down the road from me.
I might even be one :)
But you know what!
I LOVE it!
It keeps me laugh all the time, and heck some of them are purty smart!
So here is my letter to them.
Howdy Rednecks in North Carolina,
You are amazing because you make all of North Carolina, but especially where I live less boring! I am sorry if I sometimes grin when you say something funny or wear the wackiest clothing. But heck you are not afraid to be your self and that is the best thing about you!!
Hope you have many great times around your moonshine still,
Yours Truly,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Favorite Reads for the Summer. Grazy Vet and Me Crying.
I have been reading a lot lately, and here are just a couple of my favorite reads so far!
An easy read with lots of funny stories about the life of a Veterinarian. I LOVE the way James Harriot explains all of his experiences.
The Help is by far my favorite book! I LOVED the movie and I LOVE the book! I dont normally cry in books, but I did in this one!
If you like any good book about history in quilts then you will LOVE all the Elm Creek Quilt books! There are many in the series but The Winding Ways Quilt is by far my favorite!'
I have read this book over and over again!! It is the greatest! I just cant say enough :)
If you haven't read any books by Bill Bryson then you are missing out terribly! He has a way of Hilarious writing that makes you want to just keep on reading!! Just read a walk in the woods, then you will want to read all of his books!
What is your favorite reads over the summer??
Hope this gives you some ideas on what books to read next! Right now I am working on reading three books about old quilt history. Lets just say... I AM LOVING IT!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Being Healthy Tuesday Vol 4. When You Cant Relax
Here we are again! Another week has gone by! Today I am going to talk about what I do when I cant seem to relax.
Do you ever have that happen?
Some nights you just cant sleep because so much is on your mind, or if you are like me during the day I will sometimes be so busy thinking about something that I forget what is important!
Well Here are Three Things that Help me Relax!
Numero 1. Drink Tea! I LOVE a good old cup of tea... In the summer Iced and in the Winter hot! Either way here are a couple of my favorite teas that will hopefully help you!
- This tea from Bulk Herb Store. All their teas are great but this one is especially good for stress and calming down.
- Passion Flower is Great for calming, just drink a tea with Passion Flower before bed and have a good night sleep :)
- Last but not least Peppermint Tea! It has calming properties, tastes refreshing and helps your stomach! What More could you ask for?
Numero 2. Reading. I don't know why but if I sit down and read a book before bed I seem to always relax. I have been reading All Creatures Great and Small by James Harriot and I have been enjoying it! Read a book, they always make things better.
Numero 3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise! I cant say enough! I just blast some great music in my ears and exercise. Usually I go on a run. But what ever kind of exercise is great!
Well Folks! Hope these tips help you this week, stay tuned for next weeks great advise :)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Taking a Break is Good!
Once in a while it is good to take a break from blogging, even if it is just over a weekend.
That is what I did over the weekend.
I took a little, but much needed break! I always come back to blogging with more Ideas and colorful ways to write.
Kinda like this flower that I found in the garden. It is funny looking, yet smells so good!
Here is a "sneak peek" of what you are going to be reading here this week.
- my Being Healthy Tuesday blog Post
- us witnessing a good old family feud
- why I love living in the mountains where there are True Red Necks
- and why freezing our toes off in a creek is worth it
- my favorite books I have read over the summer
Have the best week you could have! I will be back tomorrow with a Being Healthy Tuesday Tips!
family feud,
red necks,
taking a break
Friday, August 24, 2012
Share the Love....
I have made a page on my blog just for all the blogs I like to read!! Click here to check it out :)
If your blog button isn't on there just email me at: to get it put on there!
And if you have a blog and would like to share my blog with all of your readers I would appreciate it!!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Keeping It Real
It has been a hard past two weeks, Life has decided to throw me a couple curve balls and I really don't want to have to deal with it!
One thing in particular saddens me. I found out yesterday that our good old carriage horse has a growth in her ear. This growth could possibly be cancer and the only thing to do is have an operation done and take her ear off!
This is super sad news, but what makes it worse is that this news came at a time when I had already enough bad news to hear!
I have come to realize that No matter what, you have to keep living life to its fullest and not let the bad news hit you too hard.
We are still trying to decide if we want this operation done, but for now I know my horse is OK and she is not in pain.
Well Life Goes On...
Sorry If this post is kinda all over the place, I just need to settle my thoughts.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Drinking Summer Up!
Just this past week we enjoyed a little Cook-out with our friends at the local lake!
It was a perfect evening the kids played at the park and we enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, and Smores.
Mind you I didn't eat any Smores, but I did eat two pieces of chocolate.
Hey don't judge you have to live a little :)
Days like these make me so happy to be able to live this life and enjoy all the good in life!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Being Healthy Tuesday Vol 3. 3 Healthy Recipes
Today I am going to give you 3 Healthy Recipes that you can use to make your life more healthy!
First up is a Healthy Gluten Free Cracker recipe that I use and eat ALL the time!
Buckwheat Crackers
1 cup buckwheat flour
¼ cup arrowroot powder
¼ tsp salt
3 Table Spoons of Sesame Seeds
2 Table Spoons of Olive Oil
½ cup water
Preheat Oven to 400 degrees.
Combine Dry Ingredients, Make a well in the flour add the
oil and water. Mix till dough is formed.
Oil the center of a cookie sheet. Put dough on cookie sheet,
roll with a piece of parchment paper over the dough.
Roll the dough very thin.
Cut in 2 inch squares and sprinkle a little bit of salt.
As soon you put the pan in the oven reduce the temperature
of the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 12 minutes.
Remove any of the crackers that are crispy, then bake any of
the none crispy crackers back in the oven.
Next up is Hummus Dip! Enjoy this with your crackers... it is high in protein and very filling :)
Hummus Recipe
Can of Chick Peas
1 Lemon
½ tsp to 1 tsp of salt
1 tsp pepper
1 TBLS of olive oil
2 TBLS of Tahini
Blend all this up in the Blender and Enjoy!
And last but Not Least My Favorite Smoothie Recipe!!
Healthy Green Smoothie
1 2/3 cup plain yogurt
1/3 cup cream
¾ cup frozen blueberries
½ a mango
1 frozen banana
1 large Swiss chard leaf
1 Tablespoon Moringa
2 Teaspoon Hemp Protein Powder
Blend together, and enjoy!
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Note: These are all original and written by me, my recipe book will be coming soon, So stay tuned.
Have a great Tuesday and go enjoy something healthy!!
Monday, August 20, 2012
I should probably write....
If you are reading this I am probably doing school..... because IT IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
I always have mixed feelings about starting school. Part of me really wants to start but usually after a month or so I am ready for a break :)
For those of you who don't know... I am homeschooled, so I do most of my school at home. I am taking a writing class that starts tomorrow and I will be taking a speech class later on in the year.
Busy, Busy Busy. But hey Busy is good :)
Enjoy what bit of summer there is left before the weather changes :)
Do you/ Did you enjoy going to school??
Oh.. and if you have questions about homeschooling here is a video that will answer ALL of your questions :)
Have a great Monday!
summer has ended
Friday, August 17, 2012
A Day at the Creek!!
On Sunday we went to our favorite creek with our great friends! It was a lot of fun, the water was perfect, the sun was out, not too many bugs were biting and we had some great watermelon to finish the day off!
Here is a bunch of pictures I took with my camera while we were there, hope you enjoy :)
We are probably going back again this weekend!
What are your plans for the weekend??
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Braided Headband
Just Today I came across a BEAUTIFUL hair tutorial from Emily at Life Etc. Blog. I just found her blog a couple days ago and instantly fell in LOVE with it :)
She has a great personality, I LOVE her style and she has beautiful hair tutorials! What more could you want??
I did her Braided Headband tutorial today for our outing to the lake, It was a perfect style to wear on this "cooler" summer evening and I got SO many compliments!
NOTE: I was not paid to make this review, I just LOVE Emily's blog and thought I would share the word :)
So go check out Emily's blog, and make your hair pretty!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Being Healthy Tuesday Vol 2. Healthy Eating Habits
Today we are going to talk about Healthy Eating Habits!!
If you missed last weeks tips click here.
If you want to feel healthy, then you need to eat healthy too!!
Here are 3tips for you that have helped me!
Tip Number 1. Always have fresh veggies cut up and ready to eat! I usually have carrot sticks, celery and cucumbers ready to eat all the time. Also have some fruit in the house that is an easy grab.
If you snack on healthy things you wont feel as tired and you will be more motivated to finish your healthy goals
Tip Number 2. Find blogs or websites online that have healthy recipes, and invest in some healthy cook books. You can make desserts and tasty treats that are healthy and guilt free!!
Tip Number 3. Do your own research! Even though I might say something is healthy it is always best to make sure. Read up on everything and don't get overwhelmed! Start off small and work up :)
Hope these tips have helped you!! Look froward to next week were I share a healthy recipe!
Here is to more Health in the World!
If you missed last weeks tips click here.
If you want to feel healthy, then you need to eat healthy too!!
Here are 3tips for you that have helped me!
Tip Number 1. Always have fresh veggies cut up and ready to eat! I usually have carrot sticks, celery and cucumbers ready to eat all the time. Also have some fruit in the house that is an easy grab.
If you snack on healthy things you wont feel as tired and you will be more motivated to finish your healthy goals
Tip Number 2. Find blogs or websites online that have healthy recipes, and invest in some healthy cook books. You can make desserts and tasty treats that are healthy and guilt free!!
Tip Number 3. Do your own research! Even though I might say something is healthy it is always best to make sure. Read up on everything and don't get overwhelmed! Start off small and work up :)
Hope these tips have helped you!! Look froward to next week were I share a healthy recipe!
Here is to more Health in the World!
Monday, August 13, 2012
I LOVE Music {For King and Country}
In my last post I said I like music, actually my whole family LOVES music!
We listen to it in the car, we blast it in our house while we clean, and we sing while we work. It is like our medicine :)
Lately we have been enjoying the band For King and Country. They are from Australia and now live in Nashville, and we think their music is awesome!
Here are two of my favorites
Yesterday we went to the creek with a bunch of our friends, it was AWESOME!! Look forward to pictures of the fun we had some time this week :)
What did you do over your weekend??
Sunday, August 12, 2012
So Who Is This Beatrice?
This Subject kinda reminds me of that scene in Nacho Libre....
BUT Back to the Real Question... Who is Beatrice?

- My Family is my Life, They are my everything and I am so glad to have them!
- I laugh at things that not everyone thinks is funny (I get that from my dad)
- I try see everything in life as a blessing, Life is always better that way
- I can talk a lot and sometimes have to remind myself to stop talking
- I have always hung around people that are older than me, I have friends now that are like 30 years older than me
- I have always been stubborn, Sometimes it comes in handy other times I wish I was a little less stubborn
- I LOVE music and sometimes I will just break in Song
- I LOVE water, and any sports to do with water
- I have always loved horses and I own 7 and LOVE them all! But my favorite horse is my horse Faith she is the best horse there is and no one can tell me different.
- I love making up my own fashions with clothes
- I hope you like my blog :)
I want to get to know you more, leave me a comment and tell me one thing you like!
BUT Back to the Real Question... Who is Beatrice?
- My Family is my Life, They are my everything and I am so glad to have them!
- I laugh at things that not everyone thinks is funny (I get that from my dad)
- I try see everything in life as a blessing, Life is always better that way
- I can talk a lot and sometimes have to remind myself to stop talking
- I have always hung around people that are older than me, I have friends now that are like 30 years older than me
- I have always been stubborn, Sometimes it comes in handy other times I wish I was a little less stubborn
- I LOVE music and sometimes I will just break in Song
- I LOVE water, and any sports to do with water
- I have always loved horses and I own 7 and LOVE them all! But my favorite horse is my horse Faith she is the best horse there is and no one can tell me different.
- I love making up my own fashions with clothes
- I hope you like my blog :)
I want to get to know you more, leave me a comment and tell me one thing you like!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Liebster Blog Award!

Samantha, from Heart Shaped Leaves has just awarded Still Simple with the Liebster Blog award.
The Liebster Blog award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers, nominated and by fellow bloggers.
1. Post about your WIN on your Blog.
2. Link back to the Blogger who nominated YOU; then, FOLLOW them back.
3. Copy and paste the Blog award button on your Blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 11 Blogs that have fewer than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized and awarded.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their Blog.
6. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
7. Answer 11 questions your tagger has asked you and ask 11 question to the people you've tagged.
8. You are not allowed to tag back to the Blogger who chose you.
Here we GO!!
Elleven Random Facts About Me
1. I LOVE the smell of freshly mown grass
2. I was born in Australia
3. I can speak Italian and lived there for some of my life
4. I own 7 horses and love every one of them
5. I am the oldest of 6 kids
6. I drool when I sleep sometimes and I have crazy dreams
7. I once jumped from a high rock into shallow water and I will never do it again
8. Even though I do daring things, the thought of a roller coaster scares me
9. I would rather eat savory foods over sweet foods
10. My ears are not pierced
11. I am Homeschooled
My 11 questions to answer: (You can answer these questions too!)
1. What kind of People are attracted to Your Blog?
Well since I just started I really dont know, but so far everyone that has followed me has been nice moms or ladies who have great blogs!
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
This is going to sound silly, but I want to live anywhere there are friendly people, farmer's markets and my family
3. Is blogging more of a Job or a Hobby?
So far it is a hobby and I think it will stay that way, but I would LOVE it if it was a job :)
4. What is one thing about yourself you would love to change?
Being a bit controlling and proud :)
5. If you are a Mom, how often do you enjoy alone time?
I am not a mom but I am the oldest sister of six kids, so I get alone time at night after my siblings have gone to bed
6. If it was going to be made public, which would you tell: Your age, your weight or your income?
I wouldnt care
7. What personality trait bugs you the most?
People who think they can rull your life
8. Favorite Restaurant?
Ummm... an Indian resturant in Winstone Salem
9. What are you best known for?
Probably for being kinda stuborn, talking a lot, and a hard worker (not my words, but my moms)
10. Finish this sentence: My Favorite networking site is?
I duno :)
11. Pet names from strangers (sweetie, honey, etc.) Love it or Hate it?
They are ok. I live in the South and you really cant avoid it so you learn to like it :)
Here is who I Nominate!!
Bee Fruitful Farm
Berries And Graphite
These Threads of Mine
Live Your Life
The Peanut Gallery
You Will Rejoice
Letters To Rome
Sam's Thoughz
Simple Enchantments (And Otherwise)
Where Am I?
Barely Measured
Have Fun!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Summer Please don't be Over!
This past summer has been one of the best summers so far!
My family started it off with a beach trip to Florida

We have spent lots of time at the creek (we are going tomorrow and I will take some pictures)
My family started it off with a beach trip to Florida
It was a lot of fun and it was the first time we went to the beach in 8 years!!
This Summer has been filled with rain showers, so the grass has been beautiful green. The horses Love it :)
We have spent lots of time at the creek (we are going tomorrow and I will take some pictures)
And I have been riding my horses often :)
So this summer has been great!!
We start school August 20th so after that summer will kinda feel like it is over, but hey summer will be back again next year like it does every year :)
Have a get rest of the summer!!
What have you been doing all summer??
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Thank God for the Internet!
I was just thinking yesterday that we are really blessed to live in an age that we can just pick up the phone and just call someone anywhere! You can keep up with friends via email and even see them face to face on skype!!
It is soo amazing to talk to my grandfather and hear him say that when he was a boy they would talk about how one day there would probably be someway to see people over seas, but I doubt they thought it would happen :)
I enjoy so many nights when I talk to friends via skype or chat on gmail and I always think: "what is going to be invented next"
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Learning to Love What Is In Front Of You
This Picture reminds me of a song by Meredith Andrews were it says
I'm turning the world off
Embracing the silence
Embracing the silence
Walking away from all the voices
That are Screaming in my ear
That are Screaming in my ear
Whenever I have had a long day I always enjoy a walk into the horse pasture and I wait for the sun to set.
Try it sometime, your day WILL become better!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Be Healthy Tuesday VOL.1
This past year I have tried my hardest to make more healthy choices, I am going to start sharing 3 health tips with you once a week that have helped me.
Start doing one thing in your life that is healthy and add other healthy things as you go. Not only will it be easier but your body will be able to ajust.
Get enough sleep! For you to be healthy you have to have sleep enough and stay constant with it. When you body is rested you will be able to think clearly and stay foccused on what you want to do with your life.
Try excercise atleast 3 times a week. Your body will be stronger and you will feel healthy too! Stay with it even though it may be hard at first, just remind yourself that it will get easier.
If you have any tips this week let me know in a comment below, I enjoy hearing from others.
Hope these tips help you, stay tuned for next week where I tell you how to have healthy eating habbits!
Monday, August 6, 2012
The first post is always the most Awkward
What am I to say? OK.. For starters, WELCOME!
I am so glad you are here! I started this humble blog to document my eventful life and have fun meeting new bloggers!
This is not my first blog, this is my 2nd :) I started my first blog a year and a half ago and it was going OK, but it became to focused on things that were not me. So I took a little break from the blogging world and now I am back with more of a vision!
If you care to join me I would be extremely happy and thankful!
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