Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hanging Out, and Hanging Out

That is pretty much what I have been doing :)

On Saturday my parents went out for their anniversary and I babysat the kids... While they watched some kid movie, I watched The Notebook!

It is AMAZING! I cried my eyes out through some of the parts but it was totally worth it :)

After watching I felt like I was on some little romantic cloud... it was great!

There were face masks and nail painting involved... yup totally awesome!

Then Sunday comes along.. and I started the 30 Day Shred... and that romantic cloud I was on... BURST!
Yesterday I had to read a poem in front of our whole public speaking class... it kinda sucked :)

BUT.. after class I went riding with one of my guy friends... and that was pretty a.w.e.s.o.m.e

So today and tomorrow I am doing TONS of school and lazying around.... and eating healthy and exercising.. because that is just what I do!

Hope you are having a great week... I cant wait till FRIDAY!!


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