Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day in the Life of ME!! AKA: Horses... Waterbuckets.. Pancakes???


Wanna know what a Sunday looks like in the life of Beatrice??

Well if you don't.. who cares because I am going to tell you :)

7:00 AM : Normally I don't get up this early especially after a late night with friends, but thanks to daylight savings we were up early because of a certain toddler.

7:30 AM : I laid in bed and watched an episode of Sanford and Son on the ipad before gracing my family with my presence.

8:00 AM : I lay around on the couch under a bunch of blankets because I still really don't want to get up and because it is cold because the fire went out during the night.

8:30 AM : I eat waffles and read blogs.

9:00 AM : Shower!! Yes my hair is finally cleaned :)

9:30 AM : Room must be cleaned. Takes just a little while because of the clothes on the floor.

10:30 AM : I come downstairs to find out my dad shot a deer. So here goes the getting ready to process the deer plan!

11:30 AM : Finally I get to the horses. The horses are like "What the heck, you took too long because of a deer?? Who do you think we are?"

12:00 AM PM : I drive out to the pasture and feed a horse some grain. AND catch my horse Faith so I can ride.

12:45 PM : In the barn cleaning Faith and saddling up.

1:00 PM : Riding

1:30 PM Riding through a couple bucks. My horse likes to keep me awake!

2:30 PM : I make it back to the barn in one piece!! I mutter a few words under my breathe about the pain in my butt and go on. TIME to Unsaddle the horse!

3:00 PM : I get some last minute kisses/ slobber from my horse before I release her in the pasture.

3:15 PM : I sweep the barn because cleaning horses makes messes.

3:30 PM : Back home. Dad has finished deer and I am ready to relax.

3:45 PM : Blogger has distracted me. I must write a blog post. Nope I read blogs instead!

4:00 PM : I finally start blogging.

5:00 PM : I take a little break and play some guitar.

6:00 PM : Dinner. and Clean up.

6:45 PM : I sit down to blog, but instead get distracted by the new Red Dog trailer.

7:00 PM : I get pulled in to watching Tin, Tin with my family.

9:00 PM : It is over. Now I am going to bed.

9:15 PM : I browse through Instagram and now I am really off to bed.

9:30 PM : I write in my journal and lights out.

9:35 PM : I think to my self how early I am going to bed and blame it on Daylight savings. and sleep.

So there you have it! A day in the life. Doesn't that sound interesting.

*Note: This is not what happens everyday. My normal days are also filled with school, no movies, and no deer. :)

So you want to come see me still??

I guess this is the only way to ward of the people who were wondering about following me :)

Have a grand Tuesday! Vote away!

xo, Beatrice

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