Sunday, January 27, 2013

Guest Post - Jennifer from Grits and Moxie

Hello all!  My name is Jennifer and I'm the lady behind the quirky lifestyle blog Grits And Moxie.  I was so happy when Beatrice asked me to stop by and guest post, and I knew just what I would write about...the wonders of baking soda!  Not only is baking soda inexpensive but it also helps whiten teeth and clothes, helps cookies and cake to rise, makes your skin glow and even helps keep your lovely locks o' hair squeaky clean.  Yep, even my thick, coarse hair benefits from baking soda!

In January I decided to start pampering my skin and hair to the best of my abilities.  My best = finding only simple and natural products.  Baking soda, of course, was at the top of my list but I still had a few questions about how it would best fit into my hair care routine.  After some research I found what I consider the best baking soda hair treatment around!

Grab a mason jar or other airtight container (use plastic if you plan to keep your hair treatment in the bath/shower...broken glass + naked you = not good situation) combine 1/3 baking soda with 2/3 warm water and then add generous dollop or two of honey.  Stir and shake until all ingredients are well mixed.  Wet hair in the shower and then add several small scoops of the baking soda mix directly to the scalp.  Message gently towards the middle-to-ends of hair.  Leave on for 2-3 minutes and then rinse well with warm water.  At the last moment be sure to spray cold water on hair to 'seal' the hair strands or you could do a quick vinegar rinse (1/2 vinegar to 1/2 cold water).  Both will make hair nice and shiny!

There are no bubble with this treatment so it may feel weird at first but it won't seem unnatural after a few times.  I've gotten used to a squeaky clean head of hair without the all fake chemicals weighing it down!

You can use this treatment in place of your shampoo (every 2-4 days) or you can use it occasionally to strip the chemicals from your hair and help restore natural balance/oils to the scalp.  I suggest starting out doing it 1-2 times a month and then slowly increasing to a few times a week...but be sure to do what you think works best for your hair!

Thanks to Beatrice for letting me stop by and share my idea with you all!  Stop by m'blog Grits And Moxie to learn more about my crafty ideas, vegan cooking, fun adventures, critter antics and life in Athens, GA...

Thanks Jen for Guest Post!! Yall be sure and check out Jen's blog... It is awesome!!
Hope you are having a great Sunday, I will be back tomorrow with my Photo a Week Post...
*Hint* this weeks photo 'theme" is: Something Small
Have fun,


  1. Thanks for having me over! :D

  2. This is a great idea! I've been really wanting to try some home beauty treatments in 2013. I'll have to give this one a whirl.

  3. You opened my imagination here. Thanks!
