Friday, August 31, 2012


I got this idea from Grace. Here it goes....

Dear Hair,
I am sorry I haven't gotten you trimmed, I really really want to grow you down to my waist and I haven't had the money to pay someone to cut you a bit.

Dear Horses,
I hope you dont mind the fact that I have been spending more time in your life. I want to keep you healthy and strong, so just bear with me.

Dear Knees,
Thank You for keeping up with me when I run more than a mile everyday while I train for the 5k race I will be entering in October.

Dear Sewing Machine,
Thank you for keeping up with all the sewing I have been doing. My quilt show is almost hear, then you will get a little break.

Dear Life,
Please become a bit more sweet. I have shed many tears lately and I would like to smile a little more.

Dear Summer,
Please dont end just yet!

Dear School,
Sorry for leaving you in the corner, you see I have better thing right now to do. Hope my mom understands :)

Dear Instagram,
you are my best friend.

Dear Friends that are Far Away,
I MISS you and hope to see you all soon!

Dear James Herriot,
I LOVE your writing. Thank you for writing great books.

Dear Bed,
I need to get with you more often and longer, my life is so hectic it feels like I only sleep on you very little.

Dear Back,
Keep getting better. The Chiropractor says you need a little more work and you will be good as new!

Dear Clothes,
I could use a little more of you in my life.


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