Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer Please don't be Over!

This past summer has been one of the best summers so far!

My family started it off with a beach trip to Florida

It was a lot of fun and it was the first time we went to the beach in 8 years!!
This Summer has been filled with rain showers, so the grass has been beautiful green. The horses Love it :)

We have spent lots of time at the creek (we are going tomorrow and I will take some pictures)

And I have been riding my horses often :)

So this summer has been great!!

We start school August 20th so after that summer will kinda feel like it is over, but hey summer will be back again next year like it does every year :)

Have a get rest of the summer!! 

What have you been doing all summer??


  1. Hey there! Cute blog :) I start school on the 22nd :( check out my blog!

  2. Your pictures aren't working for me, and I am giving you a blog award!
